How do you make your scenes flow better?

Hey everyone. I've been watching a lot of films. Their scene cuts seem to flow, whereas mine seem more "jumpcut" which is starting to drive me nuts. When I have music I tend to edit the cuts along to the beat which helps. Any Advice?
Are we talking about transitioning from one scene via story wise or just cutting within the editor?
Just in case I'll cover both as best as I can.

A) Example: "Instant Family. (2019)" Throughout the entire movie the camera will pan or tilt towards the ground or wall and continue that same camera movement when starting the next scene. And they make sure the camera movement is the same speed at both times to make seamless and smooth when moving on to the next scene.

B) Depending on the script scenes can flow with a editing transition that works well from one scene to another. For me "Fade to Black" tends to be one I go to the most when I need a large amount of time to pass and the scene that is ending is not quite close enough to the one that is written next.

Hope that helps. =]
Feel free to message me with an example of what you are trying to create and I'd love to help you out more.
Anyways best of luck!
Thats a wide topic and there are different ways to achieve invisible cuts.

) You can search vor "in camera transitions" and practice them. Some of them are easy and have a big impact on how the video looks.
) Try to have continuous movements either camera or on screen.
) It's important to guess where the viewers eyes are on the screen. It looks a loot smoother if you don't have to jump around on the screen. For example: If you have an actor walking from the left side of the screen to the right, the eyes of the viewers will most likely be on the right side of the screen at the end. In the next scene you should have the main thing also at that side.
) Plan your shots and have the edit in mind when shooting. Sometimes it helps to pick the music first, then think about the transitions and then start to shoot. Most of us do it the other way round.
) Look for good short films on YouTube, watch them frame by frame and then try to imitate the cuts. I would recommend the videos from JR Ali or Brandon Li. Sometimes you even find tutorials on how they made specific transitions.
) Don't forget the audio. L and J Cuts or sound effects are supporting the flow.

The most important thing is to watch videos and movies from an editors point of view. Try to see how and why they cut on specific points. Then think about what you can use for your own videos.

But here we talk about the art of editing. It's much more subtle than color grading or music choice. Small things make a huge difference and that's why it is so difficult.
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