How Do You Make a Street Look Run-Down

Street looks kind of clean, try adding general dust, plastic bottles and stuff like that. Also vegetation growing between the cracks if you want it that ghetto.
Do you have any concept art for reference? :)

Shabby as in post apocalyptic/abandoned, or just shabby as in 'ghetto' kind of shabby?

Rubbish: bits of paper, wrappers, general garbage floating around always makes a street look down in the dumps. Perhaps weeds growing through the cracks in the floor and out of buildings. Broken windows. Stray cats and/or rats. Steam from sewers; always guaranteed to add to that smoggy look. Dim weather, to add to the effect.
I remembered that I started this thread when watching my first IHC today. I just wanted to thank you again. You can see in the first 20 seconds the help you provided, as this is what I was asking about when I made this thread all those months ago:
