How Do You Make a Street Look Run-Down


Thrashimation's Favorite Bat!
Forum Goers, Thrashimation needs your help!

We need ideas on how to make our animated street look shabby. The building in the middle will look fine, but the ones on the side, the sidewalk, the gutter, and the street need to look bad. It is urban with alleys between the three buildings. Ideas?

Thank you,
The Thrashimation Team
Do you have any concept art for reference? :)

Shabby as in post apocalyptic/abandoned, or just shabby as in 'ghetto' kind of shabby?

Rubbish: bits of paper, wrappers, general garbage floating around always makes a street look down in the dumps. Perhaps weeds growing through the cracks in the floor and out of buildings. Broken windows. Stray cats and/or rats. Steam from sewers; always guaranteed to add to that smoggy look. Dim weather, to add to the effect.
Do you have any concept art for reference? :)

Shabby as in post apocalyptic/abandoned, or just shabby as in 'ghetto' kind of shabby?

Rubbish: bits of paper, wrappers, general garbage floating around always makes a street look down in the dumps. Perhaps weeds growing through the cracks in the floor and out of buildings. Broken windows. Stray cats and/or rats. Steam from sewers; always guaranteed to add to that smoggy look. Dim weather, to add to the effect.
I'm out of town, I'm afraid, so I can't post any pictures on here right now. However, you've given some great ideas. The weeds are a wonderful idea. I'm talking ghetto more than apocalyptic. Actually, kind of abandoned ghetto. Thanks for the ideas! Any others?

I'm really appreciative of these forums! They're a great place to get ideas! :)
I'm out of town, I'm afraid, so I can't post any pictures on here right now. However, you've given some great ideas. The weeds are a wonderful idea. I'm talking ghetto more than apocalyptic. Actually, kind of abandoned ghetto. Thanks for the ideas! Any others?

I'm really appreciative of these forums! They're a great place to get ideas! :)


Hehe no worries! I write quite a lot of books so ideas are always there ready to pop out.

Other ideas could be obviously the odd stray human slumming it in an alley, perhaps an abandoned vehicle all rusted or burnt out. If you want something eerie, you can't go wrong with an abandoned children's bike or toy. Or perhaps remnants of a street parade; tattered banners or deflated balloons etc.

Hope that helps!
I'm out of town, I'm afraid, so I can't post any pictures on here right now. However, you've given some great ideas. The weeds are a wonderful idea. I'm talking ghetto more than apocalyptic. Actually, kind of abandoned ghetto. Thanks for the ideas! Any others?

I'm really appreciative of these forums! They're a great place to get ideas! :)

You could add cracks in the bricks, boarded up windows, graffiti and depending on the area there might be basic furniture around.

Found some pics for reference :)
Thanks guys, you'll see the final product in September, hopefully :) We've been working had on our series. Once we get these backgrounds made, it'll be a lot easier :)