How do you find your niche?


Active Member
Hey all,

Relatively new youtuber in the gaming sphere; I keep seeing a lot of people talking about optimizing their SEO by finding a niche or a market within the market to really show up in searches.

My question is simply how does one find this mystical and evasive combination of tags, titles, and description info? Are there any tips and tricks to this? Research that can be done on a game or the like?

Thanks in advance to any and all help, tips, tricks, suggestions, hugs, and high fives!
Its a combination of factors, ultimately its all tied in to good viewers buying into you and your content. What you do best and how you showcase that is your own niche, you then carve this niche into youtube with your pressence. By using tags unique to your channel and also that are popular tags you will then with the help of your viewers positive engagement will drive you up in search results.
I may be a musician as opposed to a gamer, but I'll give my own two cents.

I don't think I've found my own niche yet for certain, but judging from my stats, I think I can take an educated guess. That being said, it's been largely a case of trial and error for me. I started out somewhat broad when it came to the stuff I uploaded, and when enough people looked at certain videos, I tried to make more videos in a similar vein.
In the gamer youtuber side of things, because there are so many of us, the game is not anymore so much a niche as much as your personality. Some people like rage and swearing, others like a relaxed atmosphere, then there are the ones that are educational. So there are a lot of things you can do with gaming that isn't all focused just on the game itself. Focus on you, who are you, what are you like, what can you bring to the table. Refine that and bring that unique you to youtube.
first and foremost, make videos of games you enjoy playing. that is by far the most important thing to consider. your content will suffer if your playing a game because you think you found a niche.

there are approximately 3,247,864,378 gaming channels. there is no niche. as other have said, the niche is your personality, make good consistent videos and the people will find you
Try basically everything you enjoy and see what sticks, I still haven't found mine but always be either yourself entirely or who you enjoy being on camera
The algorithm is simple - it sends you few views according to your tags/title - if you can get audience retention significantly higher than a big channel using the same tag than it will promote your video. If not - it will "disconnect" forever your videos from this tag/title.
So the tags/titles does not really matter - it matters what audience retention you generate when the algo sends you views through this tag/title (either as search results or as related videos).