How do you connect with your viewers?

Zach Werre

Well-Known Member
Of course, there's always going to viewers and subscribers who you don't connect with and just watch your content, but what is your advice for connecting with viewers and getting them to, for lack of a better term, like you?

My thoughts would be to make sure to have scenes where you are on camera and aren't always just a voice. Then, of course, sharing your own opinion and feelings on the subject you're discussing. But what are some other tips, big or small, to share your personality and make connections with the people watching your videos?
I don't really care if they like me as a person. I care if they like my ideas. I'm just a vessel for passing on those ideas, I don't really matter.
Well i won't be too concerned about getting ppl to like me. I rather my video send the message that i want to send and attract like minded viewers ^^. Other than that, replying to comments show that you care about them as well. Even a simple thank you goes a long way ^^
I try with humor.... I ask for likes or for people to subscribe in many of my videos but usually I do it with a joke. Something like "a guy from youtube called me up and said he would shut my channel down if I dont improve my videos2 or something like that.. I dont know if it´s easier for me cause I have animation videos but it seem to work cause the videos get more likes:)
If you want to connect with your audience, ask them
Ask what they think of something
Ask them to leave their comments and promise them you will reply.[DOUBLEPOST=1523528381,1523528297][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't really care if they like me as a person. I care if they like my ideas. I'm just a vessel for passing on those ideas, I don't really matter.
I can't believe what you just said!!!
You are such a b***h!
(I was having a little word play fun with you, this was all mean in good humor)
I try n show personality n touch on personal opinions a little bit. (personal opinions can lose connections but also gain stronger connections with others)
Once I post a video tho I try n make the first comment and use it as a little chance to start discussion n conversation between everyone \^o^/

Inside jokes are great too tho c: