How do I successfully re-brand?

Ben Pocock

New Member
Hi all,

I've currently got two separate channels, a vlogging channel and a gaming channel. Up until now they have operated quite separately with very different names and branding. I'm wondering about bringing some continuity to them both, by rebranding the gaming channel to come into line with the vlogging channel, mabe changing the name of the gaming channel, and the overall look.

Any tips on doing this in a way that won't confuse/lose subscribers and viewers on the gaming channel?And any other advice around this idea would be really helpful! Thanks :)
Although I don't have a large following, I have re-branded a few times. I've changed my graphics and name, and you just have to make sure that you post about the change -- on every social media outlet you have. Make a video on YouTube explaining the change, tweet out that you've re-branded, make a post on Facebook. As long as people know you're doing it and that only the branding is changing, not the content of the channel itself, they'll understand and probably love the change!