How do I promote live streams? Been working at this awhile..


I have a channel that's doing pretty well, 1200 subscribers and growing, but I am pretty confused specifically on how to promote a livestream using the tools available on YouTube.

I stream every evening by going to the Creator Studio, and going to Livestreaming > Stream Now. I set up the details and schedule it there. In Advanced Options there is a "Promote on my channel page when the event is live" (it always defaults to that) and I usually change it to 1 hour or 12 hours. The next morning I go in and set up the livestream the same way, fix the "Promote on my channel page", etc.

Some regular viewers complain they aren't getting notifications when the livestream is underway. I don't know why that is and don't see any settings for it.

I've also tried buying exposure. I don't know a good way to do this so it gets more suggestions in search results. I tried going to AdSense to buy advertising for it, but they want campaigns linked to a specific video, and a URL of youtube/MyUsername/live is not a valid target. So there's no way to buy a promotion for a livestream.

Anyway, any tips at all would be appreciated... I've been doing this for a year and everything in there is pretty confusing.
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I also plan to do more live streaming and this is also one of my questions.

Currently in the YouTube 1on1 consultation thing and the person at YouTube is not a lot of help. First she said when I schedule one no one is notified. But some of my subs say they get notified.

You would think that since YouTube is pushing live stream they would have a way to get the word out better when someone was live.
The times I've noticed channels in my genre live-streaming is when I've seen them mention it on Twitter and/or Facebook. I don't recall getting a "live" notification for subscriptions through YouTube except for the one channel I selected notifications for.
Sounds kind of what I'm thinking... I need to focus on promoting my livestreams via Facebook and Twitter. However I need to figure out a way to do this without being spammy.