How do I prevent third party companies from giving me views?


Well-Known Member
I received an email the other day from a company (Dream Digital Service) soliciting their services. They gave me 2,000 views on one of my videos or they said they did. I didn't click the links in their emails. I know this is against TOS. How can I stop these people from doing this? I work hard to maintain my channel and I don't want or need their dumb views.

The email I received:

We have delivered 2000 views on your YouTube video for your
Confirmation kindly check your video (specific video here), your previous views was (1212) and we
Increased it to (3212) views.
We are interested in dealing with you, we can help you to enhance your social media status in terms of Views, Likes, Subscriber and Comments for popularizing your videos & posts on YouTube, facebook, twitter and many other social media sites.

If you like our service kindly contacts us:-
Skype: - idiotsrus
Email: - idiotsrus
Web: - idiotsrus

Thanks & Regards
Dream Digital Service
Unfortunately you can't. Just ignore them and they will leave you in peace (eventually).

PS. Of course you always can report their email for spam if they continue to bother you.
There really isn't any way to prevent views without making videos unlisted which kinda defeats the whole point of your channel. If they are legit company then telling them to go away should be enough because they won't want any negative reviews or publicity
Just have to ignore it, every couple of months YouTube will do a flush of all fake subscribers/views so you may just see a minus in statistics for one of the days
I had the same from this company a few days ago. I just marked it as spam and moved on.
Thanks for all the replies. These things freak me out a little since I know bots are against TOS.
They are "pumping views" right now on our last video.
The interesting thing - I can see these so called "views" only in our real time analytics.
They are not registered neither at the video official view count neither at our AdSense.

These are "bona fide" garbage views. The algorithm simply registers them so it can delete them at later stage.
Isn't this detrimental to the recipients 'channels? Better report them before YT thinks the they are deliberately soliciting such services.
I got exactly the same email and last night they started giving me views so I made my video private for a bit but it was basically too late by then. Have to assume though that YouTube will audit the views off anyway. Hopefully it doesn't have any negative consequences on my channel because I didn't ask for any of it they just did it.