How do i get a partnership?

Don't even considering getting your channel partnered or even put ads on your videos until you have at least 2,000 subs/ 1,000 views daily.
Well you only have 5 subscribers, and 30 views. You shouldn't even be thinking of partnerships until you are gaining at least 100 views daily. Partnerships don't get you more subscribers or views, you're on your own to achieve that. Wait until you are getting a few hundred views daily before applying to a network.
ok thnx for the advice[DOUBLEPOST=1373251522,1373251490][/DOUBLEPOST]how could i get more views i tried everything

Well you're channel isn't even a month old yet. It can take months before you start to see an increase. Here is a thread to learn how to gain views:

You basically need to do what people are going to search for, and know how to use tags, titles, and thumbnails correctly. Also promotion/advertising is key.
I'm with Fullscreen on my solo channel, since i got invited, and i had that channel for years.
My Gaming Channel is no where near a success rate to think about partnering.

No need to rush things, it'll build gradually, just keep making videos! [=