How do i credit royalty free music in my description for RPM??

Hi, SwingPoynt! If your contract ends you aren't allowed to go to AudioMicro and add more music, but the music that is already on your videos can stay on your videos. :up:

How are you able to avoid Content ID issues after you leave at the end of contract? Is there a white list available for videos made while under contract?
How are you able to avoid Content ID issues after you leave at the end of contract? Is there a white list available for videos made while under contract?

If you have been unpartnered and you receive a third-party claim by AudioMicro on your content, you can contact RPM Support via the public dashboard and let us know. We'll then relay that information to AudioMicro and they will release their claim.

The odds of AudioMicro claiming your content are very low, however. :)