How could I stay motivated to everything?


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I've already made a post similar to this but I really can't get into the mood to do anything, whether it's editing and recording, or even a simple livestream and video stream over skype.

I don't think youtube has a big amount as to why I'm not in the mood for anything, however that's not saying it has no effect, as a few days ago it seems as though an extremely large amount of views gained on my channel are fake. (over 3,000 views on a single video with no new comments, subscribers, and only a few likes I might add). Recently my daily views have been as low as 20, and rarely around 80 in the last month that nothing has been posted.

This makes me think that my channel doesn't stand very well on it's own, and that a lot of my views are fake. so you might as well give me insight on that as well. I should add that at one point I removed about 40 videos due to loss of progress, removing over 5,000 views from my channel. I get rather few comments.

But to get back on topic, while I really want to record, I haven't been in the mood too. It doesn't help that my house has little insulation and everyone can hear me record. And I'm always bothered while recording.

I'm not going to stop (At worst I'll take a long brake, as I already have for the last month, and before that, a whole 3 months, but that was different). But what could I do to get in a better mood for everything. As well as possibly get some viewers on my live stream, Because while I do talk on there, I'm always talking to no one and rely on someone to hopefully join the chat.
I've had that issue a lot. I can find it difficult to motivate myself to make my gameplay videos sometimes because nobody ever really watches them. I guess the main motivations I have are that I do enjoy recording them and the hope that maybe someday people will start noticing my content. On my other channel it's not as big of an issue, I'm motivated to produce content for the few people I have that watch it. I guess what I'm saying is that you should do it because you enjoy it, and other motivations may come with time.
Try setting goals on your videos/channel by a certain date, like 100 views or 200 subs by next week or whatever.

If you can't commentate over a game while your parents are there try recording some funny gameplay or some walkthroughs and you can just add text over it or commentate with audacity at a later date. Maybe start doing reviews, script it and stuff. :)

It'll take a while to grow but once you're there you can proudly say to yourself that you did it.
try doing a co-op video with someone :D i always find those good for getting me out of my not feeling like recording moods xD
This is something YTtalk can help with, I haven't been willing to due to limitations, and I already have a group that should be recording for my channel, However they can't record. A livestream with someone there would be a lot of fun.
I suffer from lack of motivation often!
What I try to do then is to force myself to start doing that thing again or remember what motivated me in the first place.
The key is to do things that inspire you!
dude your just gunna have to keep at it, if you stop then your not gunna get any further, just dont think about views as the be all end all, theres lots of other things to reach for, are you promoting your vids well?