How can I find an audience to my YouTube channel that is a gaming/beauty/vlog channel?

Tom theWildlife

Active Member
So I have started making videos on nature and wildlife which is my passion in life. However, I find that this isn't the most popular subject to cover on YouTube and as a result I am really struggling to find a audience that would be interested in my channel. I am looking for and platform or forum where I would be able to connect with like-minded that might be interested in my channel.
Look up the youtuber "Tim Schmoyer" he made a wonderful video about finding an audiance without having something people searching for often.

In addition Nature is actually quite popular but with any kind of online or business brand you need to be ready to know success does not come over night.

That being said reddit has multiple nature sub reddits that i am sure will love to see your content. :)
yep i would also recommend reddit! it's the number one place to go anyways ;p

btw. i just checked your channel intro and you are pretty funny, i really liked it! subbed ;)
will check your future videos, me and my fiance do enjoy nature aswell but she is more the photographer type ;)

PS: you should fix the link to your channel in the sub on here!
Hi Thanks for the great advise I will definatly look into Tim Schmoyer and into reddit. Although I have never used reddit so it might take me a while to get to grips with it! And thanks for pointing out the issue with my link I think it has now been resolved :)