How can I earn more comments?


Hi everybody!

I am struggling to influence viewers to comment on my videos. I have uploaded over 100 videos in 2016 and only have 65 comments from this year. My usual method is to ask for the viewers' thoughts on the product in the video. This method has been very unsuccessful. I rarely get comments on the actual product.

What am I doing wrong? I am clearly not properly engaging with my audience.
For a 200 subscriber channel, I'd say you're getting an appropriate amount of comments, but I see why you'd want more.

Maybe reiterate that you'd like a comment, but don't overdo it.
So, at the beginning of the video, tell them to comment once they've formed an opinion, and then at the end of the video, ask again. People are forgetful.
If you've already done this, apologies.

Either way, I wouldn't worry too much about this, I think you're in alright condition.
I looked at your overall view count and I don't think your view to comment ratio is a big concern. You're better off focusing on growing your channel and getting more views, and the comments will come.
Try this; post a comment on encouraging discussions and pin it up! Anyone who watches the video would see yours first before other comments so it's a good way to inform them besides mentioning in the video.
You can't influence the internal parameters too much. There are certain ratios of comments, likes, shares, subs, that are fairly constant across genres and the platform. The best/only way to really increase the absolute number of comments is to increase the traffic flowing to a video. You can ask, beg, optimize all you want, the ratios stay fairly constant. A little birdie from Yt told me that a few days ago during a hangouts session.