If My Thought Dreams Could Be Seen...
Your numbers don't add up, which makes me go 0.O 3 vids with less than ~2500 views, yet your channel says you're approaching 24k
I think my first question is:
For serious, it just looks weird. Obviously you've made videos private, but there is no way of telling wr/ that content was copyright protected. If it was and you delete it, your views will calculate correctly and then you can build your channel... As I have heard t stated by another YTTer "earn your growness"
Hope this helps, all love no judgment.
I think my first question is:
For serious, it just looks weird. Obviously you've made videos private, but there is no way of telling wr/ that content was copyright protected. If it was and you delete it, your views will calculate correctly and then you can build your channel... As I have heard t stated by another YTTer "earn your growness"
Hope this helps, all love no judgment.