Hey, are my videos monetizable?


New Member
Hey, I uploaded a few The Walking Dead comics in early 2012 and when I came back I had gained just under 500 subscribers and around 20-30k views on my videos, seems great.. I do enjoy reading the comics and I do enjoy making the little videos for comic pages for people who just want to watch it online.

That being said, are my videos monetizable? I don't want to be thrown off Youtube because of them, right now I have them under 'monetized' and even after being reviewed they've gone to enabled...


Should I un-monetize my videos? Are there channels that would accept my videos and that I could register with them to monetize my videos?

P.S. I know this is my first post and I should of probably introduced myself but I just wanna get this out the way before anything.

Thanks for reading and hope you reply. =]