HELP Someone Stole my Video and re-Uploaded!


I've Got It
In my most recent video I made a PC Gaming Build Titled "Snow White", my friend found someone who re-uploaded the entire video and description without my permission, I don't want the video on his channel but I don't know what to do. I commented on his video
Take this video down right now, this is not your Intellectual Property. I gave you no permission to upload this video onto your channel. " My Original Video: www,youtube,com/watch?v=smPx_iulZbM
Stolen Video: www,youtube,com/watch?v=Ywsu2yQU9r4 Please help me out I'm a new channel, I also reported it saying he stole my video, but it says that If YouTube thinks I'm lying they will terminate my channel, I'm sorry for posting YouTube video links, I'm not advertising I'm just trying to get help because someone stole my video. What Should I do?
Look I'm not trying to minimize that it sucks the guy did this, but it got 7 views man. If this isn't going to go viral, make him any money, I would hardly say this is worth any risk or real effort on your part. It looks like his channel will wind up getting deleted eventually anyway, he's got no subscribers, his videos get no views literally. I really wouldn't sweat it.
Look I'm not trying to minimize that it sucks the guy did this, but it got 7 views man. If this isn't going to go viral, make him any money, I would hardly say this is worth any risk or real effort on your part. It looks like his channel will wind up getting deleted eventually anyway, he's got no subscribers, his videos get no views literally. I really wouldn't sweat it.
Those 7 views were me, and the other 6 were my friends I showed it to when they didn't believe me. I still don't like having my own video on channel, It just worries me.
You cant let people just steal your videos. Contact youtube or google,
Can you explain a little more what you're thinking then? Like... is it to send a warning to other channels etc? I dunno if someone stole my video and I went to their channel and I saw they get no views and have no subs I wouldn't be too upset about it, is there a reason I should be I'm not grasping?
Submit a copyright complaint like Styxie posted above and it will be down within a day or two. I had to do it once and it took just a few hours before it was resolved.
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Can you explain a little more what you're thinking then? Like... is it to send a warning to other channels etc? I dunno if someone stole my video and I went to their channel and I saw they get no views and have no subs I wouldn't be too upset about it, is there a reason I should be I'm not grasping?
Yes people shouldn't be claiming stuff that isnt thiers