Help finding a partnership company.

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Hey guys it's blankscole AKA thebabycam AKA Cameron here, and basically I'm looking for your guys's opinion on my partnering with a company. I only have 35 subs, and get maybe 3-20 views daily. So basically I'm wondering whether or not I should wait till I have more subs (which hopefully I'll get bigger) or if I should find a small partnership company. Don't mention Awesomenesstv because I was already partnered with them and just recently filled out an application to leave. If you guys think I should get partnered with a small company, please feel free to leave the company you think I should be partnered with and what the requirements/benefits are, and if you think I should wait please tell me why and how long I should wait. Thank you guys in advance for reading and replying :)!
Hey man,
You should probably wait till you get more subs and 200+ views a day. Then you can join our network! We can help you with all your YouTube needs :)
Froska Team.
Unfortunately I already looked at those and they didn't really help me :/. That's why I asked for your opinions. I want to know if I should wait or not. And what company I should actually go with. Thanks anyways though.
No one expect AwesomenessTV will partner you with them requirements...which you never want to go with. Honestly, if you want the best for your channel, wait until you are quite a large channel and gaining a considerable number of views and then do your research into a network.
Hey man,
You should probably wait till you get more subs and 200+ views a day. Then you can join our network! We can help you with all your YouTube needs :)
Froska Team.

Ok thank you! I'll definitely look into your channel. And I'll wait too. I just hope that I will grow. Thanks for the help!
No one expect AwesomenessTV will partner you with them requirements...which you never want to go with. Honestly, if you want the best for your channel, wait until you are quite a large channel and gaining a considerable number of views and then do your research into a network.

RPM might take him, which is a little bit better than ATV.
Yeah, Man RPM might take you. FroskaHub Doesnt have a Channel yet, They are under ZoominTV and Azure but Froska will help you a bit more. You should contact them as they can give you help with like Directorship on their channel where you can upload to their main channel and get some views and they can spread your channel for you. Right FroskaHub?
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