Heads up about about potential alleged content-id scammers

Hello YT Talk Family,

This is YouTube user ArmedForcesUpdate from the exclusive Studio71 Network

I am having a big issue with someone inside MCN Freedom. Two years ago someone inside Freedom stole all my videos uploaded them to a channel partnered by Freedom and then activated content ID I had made a post on YT Talk and someone from Freedom removed 100s of false content IDs on my channel.
The False Content IDs were placed just after January the 1st when it's normal for channel earnings to fall. This helps to hide the mass false content ID scam.

I had just detected 3 false content ID claims on my channel from Freedom and I have found a channel full of videos stolen from my channel. So the content ID scammers are primed and ready to strike after January 1st.
I am unable to take the channel down because if I copyright strike I get a false copyright strike back. I am also under cyber attack as who ever is doing this has some great Hacking skills and is trying to get access to my channel. I suspect who ever been doing this has been attacking freedom too.

So a message to all YouTubers keep an eye on your videos after January 1st as that when they like to strike.
If you are a manager from Freedom can you please contact me to resolve this issue.


That sucks. I get content-ID claims all the time and I'm emailed about them, so I'm always on top of them whenever they happen. But it's still good to know to watch out.