Has anyone ever stolen your videos before?

Someone has been stealing mine. I was able to have two of them taken down by claiming the copyright. There's one more video up. The problem with that one is I deleted the original video. Now I can't claim the copyright. I've reported the channel and some of my subscribers did too, but the channel and video is still up. It's not the biggest deal, but still, it's my video, so it kind of annoys me. lol
Watermarking your videos may discourage people from doing this. It can still be edited out, but the more work that a potential thief needs to do the less likely they are to go through with it.
Yeah, I've been doing that for a while now. The two that were taken down had my watermark, the other one was before I did that. Whoever this person is steals a bunch of paranormal videos, which are the type of videos I make. It's pretty strange.
i have had a couple of channels just reupload 20+ of my videos, it was a nightmare to remove as youtube told me i had to report each one individually, despite the channel ONLY having my videos lol
It's so weird that people do that. The channel that stole mine is also using a terrible screenshot of me for their channel. :rolleyes:
I haven´t noticed that someone has stolen any of my videos though. But I don´t know why someone would though, as my blogs are not that good, and my travel vids isn´t that great either!
I have to check out and see if someone has stolen my now!
At least once a week someone is copying and reuploading my videos. There are many channels that have done so. I haven't taken a single one down or even said anything to them. They always use my brand name because they want the traffic that it brings. I just see it as people spreading awareness of my brand. It would be like a bunch of people stealing Nike shirts and wearing them around.
Not a video but an article on a website I wrote this week was stolen the transcript read through a computer voice and turned into a video. The channel has 100 videos doing the same I don’t think I can fight it