Has a partnership helped your channel grow?

When a network has thousands of partners, there is no way that they can give significant help to everybody. Let's say that they tweeted your channel to promote you. Well, everybody who follows the network is part of the network! You need to find a way to get your video in front of the masses and not rely on the networks or anybody else.
I follow all of the major networks on Twitter. :) I like to stay updated on every network.
Networks generally never help your channel grow. They can gain you features like live streaming though. The thought of a live video can pull in a few more views and gain you subs. But the network itself, not usually. BTW all partnership networks give you livestreaming
In analytics look for a yellow voice "partnership promotion" if im not wrong, in my personal channel after i became partner it was bringing me 40% more traffic, its not the network itself that do this is just joutube that give your channel more exposure