*GUIDE* - Games YOU CAN Monetize!

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Worth mentioning Blue Isle Studios that says the following on their contact page:

For YouTubers inquiring about the possibility of recording and posting footage from our games,we have no problem whether you are a YouTube Partner or not. Go ahead, you have our permission.

Also, Double Fine lists on their About page (under a subsection called FAQ) the following:

Can I publish videos of your games on the internet?
Yes! You may even monetize them if you wish! Have fun with your walkthroughs and your Let's Plays and your blogs and vlogs and clogs. That's "cyber-logs", it's gonna be the next big thing.

P.S. I tried to link it, but it kept telling me not to. So I can't link the source directly. :(
Maybe someone can add it to the first post. I'm going to go through a few other companies that might offer this to see. I'll also be messaging a few that haven't made a stance on this publicly. I'll post anything I find here, but from what I can tell there's a lot of options.
This is amazing! I had no idea that this many companies allowed monetization. Kinda makes networks with gaming contracts seem obsolete (not completely, but still.. damn close). I'm sure a ton of the gamers on this forum are going to love you for posting this and take advantage of this amazing list!
Hey, do Flash Games apply? Also, Wasn't EA another company that works for this. I just need some basic knowledge because I'm a new youtuber soooo that stuff.
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