I'm a dude with a face and I know how to use it.
This video is as playful as it the lyrics of the song. It's got a self effacing sort of enthusiasm that jabs at the trendy faux drug users. We're excited to see another video that ties in with our Poppin' Fresh Monster Closet News report. These kind of juvenile fads are ripe ground for parody.
On the technical side, the stark color changes felt like an unfinished thought. Either add more of these or play with the transition between frames. A cross dissolve can do wonders as you can observe in our Streets of Nerd Rage intro, these color flashes are created with tints and additive dissolves. Since you want a psychedelic look, we'd encourage you to go somewhere other than brown.
The song itself was quite enjoyable, after the initial hump of the mic quality on the guttural intro, when the wailing beings it instantly makes sense. The comparison of activities to have a good time cracked us up. On top of that the enthusiasm for a trip to mars was adorable and overcame any of the absurdity that it threw infront of itself. Tough balance, staying interesting while being weird. Watching your channel is like seeing a good front man revving up the crowd between sets, but on the internet. You should change your location up a bit to reflect the rockstar image. Is there an amphitheater in your local parks? Go set up your rig in front of you on a coffee shop stage or something. Or steal an alley way until busy hotel employees need to park trucks in your shot. Production value.
Great tips! When I made that video I was just beginning to experiment with the whole changing of visual effects and everything. It wasn't so much planned as it was me playing around with imovie in general. And as far as I know there is no way to cross dissolve into the FX, I've hated the abruptness of the transitions since this began. Hopefully when my itunes gets up I can make enough from it to get a decent editor so I can start doing more of the things I really want to do. Great review, I appreciate it!