Guerrilla campaigns?

Gorilla campaigns are by Fullscreen/Creator X, and you might need a large amount of daily views to qualify for them. Requirements depend on the advertiser, but you need to have your face in the video saying the ad, no profanity, etc.
TGS has them for high performing channels (50,000 subs), but unless your channel is built around them (Filmriot), you come off as a sell out if you start using them.
You sell yourself and your channel to the advertisers, you just want the money. Your subscribers would not like that.
The fullscreen gorilla campaigns are also usually un-related to gaming too. It would be awkward if you make gaming videos and in the intro, you randomly start promoting a country singer or channel about food. That's kind of preventing me from doing the gorilla campaigns, they are very niche areas that don't relate to my channel. The gorilla campaigns are not good for game commentators (also need your face in the video).