I am aware that others had already made tutorials like this. But I feel that this one will be greater (not that they didn't help anyone) So let's get started.

You want the best equipment you could possibly have before you, "try to get big on YouTube," because sometimes viewers HATE it when they see a pixelated video with terrible audio quality. What you want to do is try to get equipment that will record at least 720p to make your videos more professional. But 1080p is always what you want to go for. If you were to record gaming videos on your computer you want to make sure you record at least 30 fps because that's YouTube's fps limit. Recording 60 fps makes your videos more smoother and is highly recommended Moving on...

Intros are pretty important. There are different ways to make an intro.
1. You can show 5 seconds of a funny clip in a trolling/fun with friends video on a game
2.Have a professional make one for you (usually they will be for a price) or you can learn yourself
3.You could simply look into your camera and introduce yourself like always (vlog videos/etc.)

Outros aren't as important but will make your videos look more professional and might make your viewers want to watch your other videos. Usually, an outro consists of 2 or more previous videos along with a subscribe button. Obviously with some awesome electro-music (doesn't have to be electro) Then once the video is uploaded, add annotations using YouTube so users can click on it!

Thumbnails are very important and are just as important as your title. Let's talk about the title first.
You want to make your title interesting! For example, I titled one of my videos 100 WAYS TO DIE - Happy Wheels. There are quite a bit of Happy Wheel videos on YouTube. So instead of putting, "Happy Wheels" first, I put, "100 WAYS TO DIE" to catch the viewer's attention.

As for the Thumbnails, You might want to have the other part of the title included FIRST. But, that's not as important, just make sure that the thumbnails DO NOT MISLEAD ANYONE (putting naked girls in thumbnails even though your videos do not include naked girls.) Just try to make your thumbnails as interesting it could be, and try not to put too many colors in it. Unless it's a video about rainbows and drugs... I would recommend having a, "theme," for different types of videos/series. Keeping it the same background with a new title/image... etc...

Making Friends/Collaborating-
Making some friends and collaborating will get you quite a bit of views and most importantly subs. Keep in mind that subscribers don't always watch your videos, I have 300 subscribers (You are probably wondering why I am even making this but I had a really successful channel before and these tips helped) but I get maybe 100 views on the majority of my videos along with random people from social networking sites. But collaborating will help not only you, but your friend's channel. Speaking of friends, making friend's will also gain you potential subscribers and views, AS LONG AS YOU WATCH THEIR VIDEOS! They will probably stop watching your videos if you stop watching theirs, SO STAY ACTIVE!

Social Networking sites will also get your videos shared a lot, so try to have a Facebook/Twitter account so that your video will get shared around the world!

Descriptions aren't as important as the previous things stated because a lot of people don't check it. But, you still want a decent description just in case someone checks it. Use proper spelling/grammar, add your websites, social network, etc. A lot of people may not stay until the very end of the video is, where your outro will be, BUT! They may still check the description, so put your previous video's link in the description as well and maybe that one person will click on the link... who knows...

When someone searches a YouTube video, tags are why certain videos pop up before others. When entering tags, you want to think of what your viewers are searching. And whatever they are searching is exactly what your tags are. I would suggest using the Keyword Suggestion Tool: which will tell you how popular certain tags are. This is a really handy tool for anyone, I use it every time I upload a video.

Channel Art-
If you need some channel art, you could easily get someone to do it, I would recommend getting someone that will do everything for you (outro, intro, avatar, channel art) so that everything is the same theme (or whatever word you want to use) Channel art should include maybe the types of videos you do and obviously an abstract version of your name. Or simply just your youtube name along with an image of yourself. Channel art should most definitely reflect on your videos. For example, if you do minecraft videos, BE CREATIVE, maybe pixelize your name or put diamond pickaxes on each side of your YouTube name.

Knowing your audience-
You have to know your audience, if your audience is a group of kids. You are going to want to make jokes that they can relate to and act the way they would act. Or if your audience is much older, then maybe act more mature and such. (Basically, act your age!)
That's all there is to knowing your audience because it's really simple and easy!


To conclude this, I would also like to say that Tutorial videos will get you a lot of views on YouTube because believe it or not. A lot of people will want to learn stuff by watching a video, and it does truly help.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Post your tutorials on getting famous on YouTube!
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That's a quite nice summary of all the important points that are needed to create a nice channel. There wasn't really anything new for me, but it's nice to have such a short overview of it. Thanks :)
That's a quite nice summary of all the important points that are needed to create a nice channel. There wasn't really anything new for me, but it's nice to have such a short overview of it. Thanks :)
No problem, and Thanks!
Your profile image reminds me of makemebad35 xd.
Thanks for stopping by!
I've never heard of the keyword tool (I probably should have by now... haha). Thanks so much! I'm gonna try using it for my next couple of videos and see if it improves my traffic.
Nice points that are needed to create a nice channel.
I use all the tips
Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Liav :) :) :)