Gaming Group is looking for people join us! For PC mainly. (No Sub amount needed!)


Hey guys! My little group is looking for more people to join us. Most of us records and posts videos so and plays a bunch of different games. We do collabs and just try to have fun, so if your interested just drop your Discord information on your reply and we can talk.

Needs a mic
Be friendly and willing to collab
Prefer to be older than 18 however can be accepted case by case
Must be able to leave any negative stuff at the door (We are just having fun playing games and recording, so please leave any negative stuff out of the group.)

(Big Plus if your a Vet like most of the group!)
Yo I'd love to be apart of what you got going on and collaborate. my Discord tag is Talios#9127
Yo I'd love to be apart of what you got going on and collaborate. my Discord tag is Talios#9127
Cool, it would good to have you! Ldtguys#4843, I will try and look up your Discord information in a bit. Make sure to add a link to your channel in a message to me so I can take a look at it. Would like to see what you got going on!
I am gonna add you on discord what games you willing to play and such i been looking for people would be great! Let me know an add me! I have tried to add you to discord no such luck sadly i copied and pasted your name so maybe a spelling derp let me know thanks.
I am gonna add you on discord what games you willing to play and such i been looking for people would be great! Let me know an add me! I have tried to add you to discord no such luck sadly i copied and pasted your name so maybe a spelling derp let me know thanks.
Hmmm... Odd. I know Discord does that sometimes. Try this one! LDTGuys#4843
Hey guys! My little group is looking for more people to join us. Most of us records and posts videos so and plays a bunch of different games. We do collabs and just try to have fun, so if your interested just drop your Discord information on your reply and we can talk.

Needs a mic
Be friendly and willing to collab
Prefer to be older than 18 however can be accepted case by case
Must be able to leave any negative stuff at the door (We are just having fun playing games and recording, so please leave any negative stuff out of the group.)

(Big Plus if your a Vet like most of the group!)
Hey I would love to join your group. I meet all the requirements except I'm under 18. My discord is Fichee_slays#9172 and my Skype is Slaysfichee. Thank you