Got partnered by RPM!

One youtuber uploads the videos by smosh with german dub. And is partnered with rpm. He also uploads vghs by freddiew on german. And i know that he doesn't have any rigjts ^^ he also uploaded nigahiga vids - but these were deleted some days ago~

Thats the reason why I'm confused... o.O
One youtuber uploads the videos by smosh with german dub. And is partnered with rpm. He also uploads vghs by freddiew on german. And i know that he doesn't have any rigjts ^^ he also uploaded nigahiga vids - but these were deleted some days ago~

Thats the reason why I'm confused... :confused:

Youtube-created content (like vlogs, etc) are under a 'creative commons' licence unless the maker of the video suggests otherwise. The video remains the creator's original content, and the creator loses no rights to the work, but it means that people can recreate the works as long as they do not pass it off as their own. It's a very grey area of law, and YouTube don't always stick to the rails so to speak, but things like major music videos or tv shows etc - big no,no.
One youtuber uploads the videos by smosh with german dub. And is partnered with rpm. He also uploads vghs by freddiew on german. And i know that he doesn't have any rigjts ^^ he also uploaded nigahiga vids - but these were deleted some days ago~

Thats the reason why I'm confused... :confused:

Stop looking at other channels and look at your own, YOU have copyrighted content, YOU want to get partnered, so YOU need to delete any copyright you have...
They've blocked monetization from your channel, in that case. You'll need a new channel altogether.
I can still monetize my videos. But I was wondering when I used the music YouTube offers for the videos. When I use this music I couldn't monetize my videos ^^