Google +


Active Member
I know that once you link your youtube account to your google + account, you can't undo it then.

So, my questions are,

Will there be any drawbacks to your youtube account in the future once you do this procedure?

Will it affect how you earn money from Adsense account?

Thank you.
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Will there be any drawbacks to your youtube account in the future once you do this procedure?

Just the linking that cannot be undone. If you want to change your channel name, then you must change your Google Plus name. If you change your Google Plus name, then your channel name will change also. If you have already snatched up a custom URL, then you might not care about this.

For example, I have 3 custom URL's that all point to the same channel because of this.

If I change my channel name, my Google Plus name must also change. But if I change my Google Plus name, do I lose the bottom 2 custom URL's? I have no idea. So, I just keep using my real name because I don't want to confuse or lose subscribers.

Now I could create an additional channel under my main Google Account. This will, in turn, create a Google Plus Business Page for that channel. Then I could just upload to that new channel, and renaming it will not effect my person G+ account. But again, since I already had a decent subscriber base, I chose not to go this route.

Will it affect how you earn money from Adsense account?

No. This will be fine.

- Bob
I just wanted to post a follow up to my questions above as I have learned a few new things and tested them out.

For starters, you CAN separate your YouTube account from your personal G+ profile by moving it to a G+ Brand Page that is owned by your personal account. This will allow you to rename your YouTube channel to the name of the page. This is available in YouTube's "Advanced" settings. The only drawback is that you cannot move existing comments, verification badges, etc. Therefore I'm not to fond of this if you are an established channel.

So I decided to rename my Google account from "Robert Angle" to "Robert Angle Vlogs". My new name is now my name on all Google products, including G+ and Gmail. I figure my G+ followers will understand and I don't use my Gmail address anyway (I use gmail to manage email sent to my own domain names). The good news is that all my vanity URL's (or custom URL's) have remained mine. Nothing has changed regarding how people find me. The only thing that has changed is my Display Name.