Good Gaming Commentary Topics

Some people enjoy watching people discuss serious topics whilst gaming, or you could talk about your life or what you have been getting up to. You could even do rants or other stuff like that! There are lots of things you could talk about. I recommend checking out Drift0r, the CoD Commentator. I dunno if you like CoD but he does a lot of commentaries where he discusses serious topics or topics about things such as holidays. I remember him discussing how he loved Halloween once :D
I think it's always I good idea to try and keep the topic as relate-able to the game as you can. Even if you go off on a tangent while you play, a lot of people that are looking for some game play, for whichever game you are recording, they are more likely to want to hear about the game, rather than some story that doesn't even relate to the game lol. If something in the game reminds you of some personal funny story, that works too lol