Getting over the anxiety of commenting

So I see a lot of posts saying commenting on someone else's video has done wonders for growing their own subscriber count. That's great and it's one way I would love to help grow my community, but I'm always feeling very anxious when I comment on someone else's video.

There was a very VERY popular youtuber who I used to follow, and I was watching one of his vlog like videos where he was talking about how the spamming in the comments needs to stop. He was talking mostly about the sub4sub posts, and I agree with that wholeheartedly and would feel very gross even attempting to do that.But he also mentioned how youtubers who would comment on his videos and he could sense that they were only doing it for the sake of getting subscribers and it made me feel very uneasy. Like how almost anything I post on anyone's channel would look like spam. I saw a lot of his other posts about advice on how to grow your channel and it just felt like he forgot what it was like when he started. He would say things like, don't tell people to subscribe or like your videos, even though he tells people to hit the like button at the end of every video he makes. His advice just felt so contradictory to his own methods and made me 1) not want to ever want to comment on anything ever, 2) reconsider ever promoting myself anywhere, and 3) just stop watching any of his videos no matter how entertained I was by them and how much other popular youtubers I enjoy may adore him.

Has anyone else ever felt like this? Were you able to overcome that feeling and start posting/commenting again?
never felt that that so i wouldn't know, seems like a bit of an over-reaction on your part to be honest. just because one guy doesnt like people commenting doesnt mean you should never comment again or stop promoting yourself by other means too.
I get what you mean but I feel like if you are engage with the content and make a comment related to the video then its all good. Something on topic that can even add to thee value of the video by starting a discussion or maybe just something funny.

I've never done the whole 'Hey guys, please check out my channel', although I have clicked on comments like that and ended up enjoying their content and subscribing.
As long as you're commenting on the video and not self-promoting, it's honest commentary on the video and interaction. What I hate to see is people who just put "Great video!" over and over and it's obvious they aren't watching the video, so make sure you have something of value to add to the conversation.
I try to follow my Nana Quinn's advice for thank-you cards. Mention something relevant inside of any card. So if you got a birthday gift, you'd say, "Thanks for the sweater, Aunt Ethel! Puce is my favorite color!" The same way with comments. If you've watched a video, mention something that's happened within the video to show you've watched (and the further into the video, the better, so you're not one of those people who watches for 2 seconds and ditches) and try to engage with the person who makes the videos.

Bad comment (to me) = "Cool vid!" (Probably hasn't watched anything, may want me to check out his channel.)
Good comment (to me) = "Wow! How did you get 200 gallons of pudding into the hot tub like that? You're always doing things with JellO Products!" (Proves they've watched the video and knows the other kinds of things I've done.)

Now I have to go find 200 gallons of pudding. And a hot tub.
I don't get anxious over it, and I usually don't mention my channel unless it's super relevant to the video, but even then it feels like people would be annoyed by that comment. I do get frustrated sometimes because I want to promote my channel as well, but it's so easy for it to just come across as spam.

Comment sections that are full of "please check out my channel" comments are annoying, but it seems like it's super hard to promote yourself without other people viewing it as spam. I was thinking about that the other day. When Sony (just an example, could've used any company) releases a new movie and they advertise it, nobody will be like "oh I'm not going to see it because they're self-promoting", but that does seem to be the general mindset of people on the internet, more specifically YT.
I've never really had the confidence to post on anything, whether it's a photo a friend's uploaded on Facebook, or a YouTube video I've really enjoyed. However, this weekend (after hearing similar stories of how commenting can help your channel) I decided to give it a go. I started commenting on a few videos that I really liked and had something to say about them. I still don't feel 100% comfortable/confident doing so, but it's starting to get easier. So...
1. Keep commenting!
2. Keep promoting yourself elsewhere!
3. Well that one's up to you.
If you comment on other's videos, do it because you have something to say. Never spam. Don't even mention your channel. Just write a well thought out response to the video (as you would as a normal viewer, which you are. If you're doing it primarily as promotion you're doing it wrong). If someone likes what you have to say, they can find out more about you by hovering over your name if they like.
If you're actually commenting on the video, I see no problem...I think his issue is with the actual "sub me and I'll sub you!" comments.

When I'm commenting on other peoples videos, I don't even mention I have an active channel and I never comment unless I actually feel like it.