Getting a lot of views on a different channel...

Hopeless Insomniac

Loving YTtalk
So a few days ago I created a video edit of clips from a tv show I like. I didn't want to post it on my main channel since it wasn't the type of content that I normally post. So I just posted it on a different channel of mine that had no other videos and no subscribers. Obviously that being the case I didn't expect anyone to really see it. I just wanted to have it somewhere. But in four days that video has almost reached 1500 views. Meanwhile the most views I've gotten on my main channel is under 200.
Has this happened to anyone else? It is cool that the video got so many views when I wasn't trying, but I wish the videos I do try on had a similar effect. It also makes me wonder if I should have just posted it on my main channel despite it being so dramatically different from what I normally post.
What do you guys think in case I make another video like this?
personally, i'm going to post all content to my channel, simply because i can't be bothered to micromanage the analytics and tags and comments and everything for more than one, but if you truly believe it doesn't mesh with your content or that your normal viewers wouldn't enjoy it, then don't post it!
Lol, it happens to me also. I have one my personal account and I post there some random stuff, and there I am getting more subscribers than on this channel that I am trying hard :D. Maybe it is a good indicator we should change niche :D. I don`t know do you know about YouTuber "mo vlogs".. He has millions of subs, and before that, he was making gaming videos and not getting more than few thousands on that old channel :)
I posted a video of my dogs playing in the snow with no description or tags or anything. I just did it so my mom could see it. I didn't know anything about creating content for YouTube. It has over 122,000 views. Then a year later I thought, I could make successful YouTube channel for the animal shelter where I volunteer because I'm so good at it (snark). I've been trying for nearly two years and I'm not even close to getting a video as successful as the one I posted just for the heck of it.
You're essentially making something out of work that's already in existence and already has a following, so of course it'll do better than any video by someone who doesn't have a network/cable TV show. So I don't find it surprising, really.

I've had videos kind of take off for no reason that I could discern, except whatever keywords were in the title or description worked well with people who were searching for such a thing. That's usually what does it.
I have a similar situation, where there's two videos on my channel that get a ton of views but they aren't really what I care about, one was a class project (we redid all the audio for a scene from toy story, and it's a popular scene to look up), and one is a documentary type video of my trip to egypt (a lot of people look up videos about egypt being safe).

But the work I care about, like scripted series and other things aren't nearly as popular. It kinda stinks, but it's also kinda cool, and sometimes those two videos will get some views on my other ones or some subs.

What you could do is do more videos like the one successful one on that channel, and then just put links on them to your main channel to try to get more people checking it out. Not everyone will, but some people might.
Sometimes that just happens. =]
Where a video you were not expecting to go viral or least rake in a high number of views does. For me these videos always go on my main channel but I put them in a playlist labeled "Extras" because they are videos I don't normally make or maybe never again. Who knows. But until I make more of these "types" of videos then they'll go somewhere else. Perhaps you can do the same or something similar so you can have it all on your main channel. If you want to that is. =]
First of all, congratulations on 1500 views in four days. I wish I got that many views on a single video.

Seems very weird that posting that video on a different channel caused it to get so many views. I haven't had that happen to me probably because I only have one channel.

My advice would be to post on your main channel if your mind happens to come across this question again.
Yeah surprisingly, I made horoscope video on my main channel, and I got 4K views. I was shocked and at the same time I felt like people are actually looking for these kind of videos. We must keep analyzing what people actually are looking for.