George the Self Esteem Cat: Pet Adoption


Be good to self.
With the help of @Redford1900, George visited the Northeast Animal Shelter and talked to us about pet adoption, and how it isn't just good for your self esteem, it's also great for the animals you adopt!

Awesome work @xingcat. Thank you so much for helping out the shelter like this. I put it on the top of my playlist for videos about the shelter. I'll forward the link to the person who manages our Facebook page. I don't know if she will post it because she doesn't always post my videos and my videos are the shelter's videos. :(
Awesome work @xingcat. Thank you so much for helping out the shelter like this. I put it on the top of my playlist for videos about the shelter. I'll forward the link to the person who manages our Facebook page. I don't know if she will post it because she doesn't always post my videos and my videos are the shelter's videos. :(

It was so terrific to meet you and the staff at Northeast Animal Shelter! Whatever happens, it is a good cause and will definitely be a great moment for the George series. Thanks for having us!!