Gaming Gaming Group+ Weekly Guests

Hey Guys. I want to start a series where there is a dedicated group of 3 players, and every week. bring someone onto the show(Podcast setup, but all we will be doing playing games) If you are interested in being a host on the show, or a guest, leave a comment with your age, channel, and skype. I will try to get back to everyone!

I am very interested.
skype: Jordanccs2014
Youtube: ForgottenPlaythrough
I would be willing to host or guest.
I am quite interested in participating.
I only ever play PC games

Age: 19
Skype: fishthekiller99
Youtube: fishthekiller500
Hey! Remember me? I'm up for being a host.

Just in case you lost it, Skype is SeamsRock. YouTube is SeamsRock (and should show up below this comment. 17 (just about to turn 18)
Eh, sure why not? It could be fun. =3

Age: 18

Skype: StormChameleon

Awesomeness Level: Maximum

Oh, you didn't need that last one? Welp, better to be safe than sorry.