Gamers! Who do you contact?

deep silver does both dead islands, the risen series, and i believe both metro games (2033 and last light)
The Behemoth is alien hominid and castle crashers
I have played dead island. Never even heard of the others lol. Did they say yes? And how did you contact them?
I just opened a support ticket at thebehemoth(dot)com
Just gotta sound a be professional.
I just sent them an email. I will see how it goes. I am not sure that i even have plans to play these games on my channel but I like having the option to. :)
I just sent them an email. I will see how it goes. I am not sure that i even have plans to play these games on my channel but I like having the option to. :)

I feel the same way. I was giving permission within a day for Castle Crashers and i've yet to even record a single episode....but when I want to BAM
Well just to be fair, at one point Machinima did have a contract with Activision, but I believe that is gone at this point.
They claimed to still have it when I talked with them ~5 months ago. However they were unable to provide ANY details (what games, limiations/restrictions, duration, etc) which tells me either it doesn't exist or they aren't willing to let their partners know enough about it to use it (which defeats the purpose).

So TL;DR: I'm aware of these rumors, however they are both unsubstantiated and even if such a deal exists one exception shouldn't set the norm.