Fresh Look For YTtalk

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I thought I had gone to the wrong website for a minute there!
Love the new look, really brings a nice fresh feel to YTTalk! Great update Michael :D
Hey everyone I am very pleased to announce our brand new look for YTtalk, the new look replaces the old one which was created in 2011 and YTtalk is now much more modern and responsive and is so much easier to use on mobile devices such as phones and tablets, be sure to check it out when on the go it is a dream!

There are no major updates to forum features and almost everything can be found in the same places as usual but if you need any help be sure to ask and let us know if there's any issues whilst using the forums.

I hope you all enjoy YTtalk even more :)

A big thanks to everyone who was invited to help test it out early, your feedback has helped a lot.

Thanks for reading.

Whoa!! New look! Was disorienting at first, but it's great. Nice and modern. Everything has a nice feel to it. Thanks for the update!
I gotta say when I saw it on my computer at first, I thought it was okay. But I just now went on my phone and what a difference! The use of yttalk on mobile is now better than ever. Love it.
I think you did a really good job with it :) It's different, but it's still YTtalk. It's really great for using it on my phone. Usually I hate change....but not when it's done for good and not for worse :P
Looks nice. BUT. Hate the floating menu as it takes up reading space, and miss the names being above avatars on posts. That's immediately where my eyes go to see who posted because the eyes naturally follow the left and top lines of each bounding box around the post, guiding them in to the top left corner. Also, the avatars not sticking to a 1:1 aspect ratio is a bit startling as you scroll because everything is sized differently.

Slight bug: very long names in the "Last Reply" column cause that post's row to be a bit wider.

Just sayin.
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