free subs!!! :D

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bit of a misleading title but oh well... so anyway apart from a small few im not subbed to that many smaller youtubers and so if you do vlogs or skits or comedy (anything apart from gaming) be sure to comment down below and tell me what you do and i will check you out, if i like what i see i will sub and be sure to watch and comment on several videos. i am just trying to find smaller youtubers, this is not SUB4SUB :D
Over here! Do comedy skits and drama that usually involve some form of special effect :-D I'm actually glad you are doing this. I'm not subbed to many small comedy/ drama/ vloggers really except for ones I've met in person. So it'll good to see some of the unknown talent.
But when you say small, whats the limit? I mean I only have 65 subs :( but would like over 9,000!!!!! be the limit?

Oh, and example of a video I have done that is literally 6 seconds long:
It's not that I dislike gamers. It's that I find them too be less creative than filmmakers. Just recording themselves playing video games and making jokes. It's alright but There's just too much of those compared to other stuff.

But I make cartoons. I only have two or three right now but soon there will be more. I just got an awesome graphics tablet today and I'll be uploading more frequently soon. Hope you like my stuff :)
It's not that I dislike gamers. It's that I find them too be less creative than filmmakers. Just recording themselves playing video games and making jokes. It's alright but There's just too much of those compared to other stuff.
That's a bit stereotypical lol
It may seem hard to imagine, but with a lot of creativity you can do a lot with gaming. It's not just recording and talking and that's it. At least for me. It actually takes hours to edit a gaming video (for me).
Okay, that was a bit off topic wasn't it
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