FREE 5 Subs and Likes

Hello guys, seeing as I am a new i decided i would start by sharing before taking.

So all you gotta do is quote me with the video that you want me to sub and like



here's a video i made that got over 5,000 views... i could do with 5 likes, 5 comments and 5 subs... I'll sub you back, with 4 extra subs..
video is here

It would help me out a lot. thanks
--- merged: Feb 10, 2012 6:47 PM ---
masterbaitor (inappropriate name)

yea i know lol
I don't do sub for sub however if you are interested in my material then I will sub automatically!!
here is my channel it never hurts to listen for just a minute or so:)

well since everyone seems to be promoting there current videos it would be rude of me not to promote mine!!

Everyone take a look at that and like it if you enjoy it the original video is in the description box below! subscribe to me if you haven't already! once we are done putting up our older videos we will have some really really awesome videos for ya! ;) ....there i feel better!