Finding the time


Football and gaming is life
Hey guys,

I have been a youtuber for nearly 3 months now, but recently I started a new job and suddenly find myself with a lack of time.

I often go out in the evenings to play football / go to the gym so with work taking up half my life and getting fit taking up most of the rest of it. How do you guys find the time to keep the content coming.

Obviously I am aware a lot of people will say have a schedule etc and stick to it, but at the moment it's like their aren't enough hours in the day.

Anyways just thought I'd share and see if anyone feels the same etc :D
Yeah It can definitely be a challenge sometimes. I'm going through the same thing I guess.

The way I'm beating it is by viewing it as personal development i.e every video is me making progress as a better person. I've noticed the more I post the more confident I become. :)
I'm the same, I work a full time office job with a lengthy commute. If I decide I'm going to make even a short video one day, that's my entire night gone. The way I see it, YouTube is just a hobby, it's just a bit of fun. So I don't put myself under any pressure to get a video out every. single. day. Like a lot of people do. I try to have a script ready and semi-memorised to make filming quicker, and I've edited so much that I can knock a review out pretty quickly. But don't let YouTube get in the way of real life pal :)
I know some people utilize things like google calendars to visual their time and make goals. They put when they will record videos when they work. I find the big issue many humans have is we say well I'm bit busy I will do that tomorrow but things come up and such. Drawing out an plan can be helpful as for one it lets you see visual progression and see what you accomplished and it allows you to keep up and not fall behind. If you fall behind then adjust it. I remember thing awhile ago where guy explained how he worked 40 hours a week and did youtube full time and he was also a father and took care of his daughters. He figured the math out he had something like 72 hours in a week to record/edit and all while still going to bed at 11pm. So its very reasonable. Just go to make a plan and visualize it :)
I'm in the same boat as you, as I just moved and started a full time again so my time is limited at the moment. The way I scheduled my videos is that I'll release a video monday through friday and take the weekends off. I hope to record and edit a series during the weekend. The thing to remember is that it's a hobby, and just like all hobbies sometimes you won't be able to enjoy them from time to time.
I was/am in a similar situation. Did a video, it performed well but could not make time for another one.
Part of my problem is the only time I really have to shoot is weekends and my shooting location is in my garage, where my dogs are when I'm at work (as well as outside, they have a doggie door) and where the laundry is done.
Speaking of laundry, I'm the one that does it. I'm faster than my wife (I set a timer) and my daughter gets easily distracted.
One Saturday I was up early, couldn't sleep so I began laundry. Was finished 2pm-ish, so I had time to set the garage up for shooting (takes me about an hour) and woke up the next morning about 6am and began shooting.
So basically on weekends I want to shoot, I need to get up early.
Hey guys,

I have been a youtuber for nearly 3 months now, but recently I started a new job and suddenly find myself with a lack of time.

I often go out in the evenings to play football / go to the gym so with work taking up half my life and getting fit taking up most of the rest of it. How do you guys find the time to keep the content coming.

Obviously I am aware a lot of people will say have a schedule etc and stick to it, but at the moment it's like their aren't enough hours in the day.

Anyways just thought I'd share and see if anyone feels the same etc :D

A good way to keep up with videos is filming more than one at a time! Keep a list of ideas and whenever you find yourself with an hour free record two or three that way you have enough videos to hold you over until you have free time again!
I feel ya! You really have to schedule out the time and make it a priority. I plan out about a week in advance to get certain tasks done (filming one evening, editing over a few evenings etc.) and it keeps me on top of things for weekly video uploads
Hey guys,

I have been a youtuber for nearly 3 months now, but recently I started a new job and suddenly find myself with a lack of time.

I often go out in the evenings to play football / go to the gym so with work taking up half my life and getting fit taking up most of the rest of it. How do you guys find the time to keep the content coming.

Obviously I am aware a lot of people will say have a schedule etc and stick to it, but at the moment it's like their aren't enough hours in the day.

Anyways just thought I'd share and see if anyone feels the same etc :D

It has been like that for me as well, but that´s because the lack of internet