• Please note that all milestone posts must not be of a promotional nature and must conform to the Milestones Forum Rules. All "almost" and "nearly" milestone threads are deleted.

finally hit 200 subs on a dirtbike vlog channel - update 750 subs 10-23-19

Just hit my other milestone today at 250 subs. came a lot quicker than previous months. Anyhow, I will keep a timeline for people who are interested. and will be actual honest feedback. No gimmicks, no sub4subs, no comment on other peeps channel, just me posting videos and dirtbiking. I am no1 special nor do I have an ounce of talent. So hopefully this timeline that I will create will help some smaller YTers who does this as a hobby as myself. As of now, my views def match my subs. worried that might change over the months, but I will update you guys on the next milestone