Feel like my channel is going downhill. advice help?

I'm in the same boat as you man. I got over 25 subs last week but these past days I lost 5 and got about 9. Hope we get out of this soon.
Too soon to tell. If it unmotivates you, you probably aren't going to last in this though.
You need to be in it for the long hall, likely without any success. Just keep it in perspective.
I just checked out your latest video, it was great. I would not play that game because i hate horror games haha, Ill give you some credit for playing it! But yeah man just keep posting good content and stay active . Slowly but surely bud.
Many YOUTUBERS experience downfalls, but they never give up, instead they keep making their content and work on their passions. Don't look at the numbers, just do YOUTUBE for fun, promote anywhere you want, you will definitely feel some growth in your channel. Good luck!
Hey guys my name is Adrian or otherwise known as YoungHalfington on youtube and I need some advice when it comes to youtube. I started uploading videos about a month ago and I have gained 41 subscribers and I am happy with that result with my goal being 50 subs by the end of the summer. But recently I have been looking at my newest videos and both the views and likes within a period of time have just been going down and it's starting to unmotivate me because editing is not a short process. All in all I just want to here your thoughts or experiences if this has happened to you or if this feeling has happened to you and feel free to leave some advice. Thanks guys!
Just from looking at your view count I can see that you get a lot of views for the number of subs you have, which is very good. Not sure what age your audience is, but remember that lots of teenagers are doing exams atm and don't have much time to watch youtube. That may be one of the reason interaction is a little low. But don't worry about it too much, we all have little times of low traffic then lots of people come towads the channel. Good luck in the future with your channel!
Need to stick on the path! Motivation is a rough point for me as sometimes making videos can be hard thinking it won't go anywhere, but sometimes the video's you doubt the most will rise to the top. Stick with your channel man and keep working towards your goal. :)
Need to stick on the path! Motivation is a rough point for me as sometimes making videos can be hard thinking it won't go anywhere, but sometimes the video's you doubt the most will rise to the top. Stick with your channel man and keep working towards your goal. :)

As everyone knows by now I vlog and I focus on fitness, well one day I went to this trampoline place with a friend and they had a ninja warrior type setup. Well I was bummed that day because the vlog wouldn't have me doing any fitness type things.

Turns out we were there for the opening day of this ninja course and that vlog was online before any other showing it off and was shared on the company Facebook page and ranked above the teaser video the corporate company uploaded. To this day that video is one of my top viewed.

The point I am trying to make is you never know what video will do well like the previous poster stated. This is something I learned first hand, and ever since I've never doubted if a video was worth uploading.

Channels have slow times, it happens. Just push through it and come out stronger when the viewers circle back around.
Your channel isn't going down hill until you're my channel, over a year old and loosing a subscriber every time I release a new video that isn't cosplay related.

You are doing well buddy!