Feedback on new style of video (attempt)


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

My friend and I are trying a new style of video on our channel where we have shorter videos whilst trying to keep them snappier and more fast paced, we do this by using post-commentary mixed with 'in the moment' stuff.
We've been testing the style with vlogs and now we're trying it with gaming too as our channel doesn't really have a niche yet (we can't decide what we like doing the most so we do it all lol)

video link:
(The video is of Resident Evil 7 in VR, so there is a lot of strong language from us and horror and gore from the game, just a heads up)
We tried to keep the video to 6 minutes long...

I was wondering if I could get some feedback on this video where we use this new formula we're experimenting with...
My main questions for it are:
- Was the video enjoyable?
- Was the video easy to watch?
- Was the video still easy enough to follow what was going on?

Thanks for your time and feedback!

just a couple of questions before I review the video, because I want to make sure I am reviewing this correctly

1. What is the intention of these videos? Play Through or is it a funny gameplay video?
2. is it a two parter or series of videos?

with those above questions in mind, I will give you some initial feedback which I can alter when the above questions are answered :)

1. Was the video enjoyable?

I loved the jump scares, everyone loves a good jump scare, I do think this could have been cropped down a little more to be more of a highlight reel of scares.. (unless this was a play through then my review would be a little different). all in all, I was entertained in bits of the video but there were some points where I didn't know what was going on in the game and there wasn't any action or reaction.

2. Was the video easy to watch?

The video was easy to watch, but like above I would have made it a little shorter or done more reactions/gameplay

3. Was the video still easy enough to follow what was going on?

I have two parts to this section;

--- if this was a gameplay video

I didn't really know what was going on or what you needed to do.

--- if this was a reaction (funny moments)

I don't need to know whats going on as much, but I would have maybe made the clips shorter and have more jump scares

Another thing to add, the video felt like it ended abruptly, was this so you could do future parts or was the intention to end it there?

All in all mate, amazing job and keep at it! I am not in any position to advise on what is good or bad so take my review with a pinch of salt, but if I was to do the video, the above is some of the things I would do

Hope this helps, good luck with your future content :)
Thank you so much for the in depth review, we really appreciate it! :biggrin: and sorry for the delayed response!

To answer your two questions, the main intention of this video was more as a funny gameplay moment video rather than an actual let's play and currently it is a single parter, but we left the end open ended so that if we wanted to do another 'episode' of the same game we could... We wanted to keep the gameplay and the moments funny for people who know already what's going on in the game but also have enough 'story' so that people who want to know a little bit what's going on whilst watching it can somewhat understand without having to watch a 40 min long lets play, hence why we added the post commentary explaining what was going on...

More or less the video. was test at the moment though as we don't normally do gameplay content either (like we do some, but not as much as other style of vids)

Thank you for the advice though and hope you enjoyed! :)

After watching it again, the bits I liked were the jump scares, then I felt with the interludes it slowed it down a little (but that is just my opinion)

what other feedback have you had about the video? any comments? your friends? what do they think?

Also, make sure you give some feedback to some other people in the forum, not only will it help the person, but it is a good way to get ideas and see what similar people are doing and how they are doing things :)
Hey :)

Just finished watching your video. Here is my thoughts on the questions you posed:

1. Was the video enjoyable?
Overall, yes I think it was. On the positive side, I think you are doing a good job at facilitating a nice "lets play bros" vibe. Seems like you two are having fun.

On the other hand, The narrating part did not work for me. I had no trouble following along, and I felt like the narration did not add anything to the video. I have already played the game, so I might be biased, but for me, it would have been stronger without the narration.

2. Was the video easy to watch?
For me there was no trouble in following along with what you guys where doing in the game. I personally think the video could have been a bit longer in the beginning. I would have loved to see how the horror built up in you a bit more before entering the house. I really liked the ending, It was a cool edit!

3. Was the video still easy enough to follow what was going on?
I kinda think question 2 and 3 touches on the same things, but I can elaborate more.

I think you could have made your video a bit longer. If you are going for the lets play bros" vibe I was talking about earlier, I would have loved to see a bit more of build up in the video.


After writing the above part, this I see this comment: "the main intention of this video was more as a funny gameplay moment video rather than an actual let's play"

If that is what you are going for, I think you need faster phased editing. Like snappier transitions from one scene to the next. I think your current format is moving a bit to slow for a "funny gameplay moment" vibe.

Another thing you could consider is doing some more editing on your videos. For example at 4:40, I think you could have done something nice by zooming in on your camera screen, adding some text, or doing something else to make your reaction seem even more wild.

Finally I want to say that I think you could be a good Lets Play Duo, so it might be something to consider over Funny Gameplay Moments, but hey, the most important part is that you enjoy what you do!


I am by no means claiming to be an expert In this, so please remember to take my comments with a grain of salt ;) Overall, I enjoyed the video.

Good Luck Guys!