Feedback needed :)


Hey guys. Im Zaynab. Can you please do me a favour and check out my youtube channel and give me HONEST feedback of my videos, whether theyre funny or lame lol. I'm new on youtube and i thought it would be good to get feedback from random people.
If you like the videos then please subscribe, but only if you like the vids.

Sometimes I do video reviews on my channel. If you like, I will do a review on yours. But I warn you, I can be brutally honest.
Sometimes I do video reviews on my channel. If you like, I will do a review on yours. But I warn you, I can be brutally honest.

Yeh that would be great if you did a video review of one or two of my videos. Please dont be tol harsh tho haha nah im joking just say whatever you want. Let me know when u put it up. :)[DOUBLEPOST=1348092354,1348092320][/DOUBLEPOST]
omg loved the siri vid! keep making them youre great

Thank you :)
I thought the Siri video was entertaining, which is all I usually ask. You might work on the video quality/lighting and the odd cuts.
Good job though.
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As everyone else is stating, the Siri vid is your strongest material. The two things I think you could improve on our camera work and audio. Try to find better camera angles - move furniture around if you need the space. If a character is talking focus on their face and leave the other person out of the shot or just the back of their head. Also try to film where lighting is best if you don't have access to film light. Use windos or film outside if you can. Audio is so important. Bad video can be forgiven but bad audio kills even the best material. Not that yours was terrible but it could have been much better. There are a lot of microphones out there for sell that don't cost a lot that will give you a great improvement in audio. Rode Video Mic is a good place to start.
As everyone else is stating, the Siri vid is your strongest material. The two things I think you could improve on our camera work and audio. Try to find better camera angles - move furniture around if you need the space. If a character is talking focus on their face and leave the other person out of the shot or just the back of their head. Also try to film where lighting is best if you don't have access to film light. Use windos or film outside if you can. Audio is so important. Bad video can be forgiven but bad audio kills even the best material. Not that yours was terrible but it could have been much better. There are a lot of microphones out there for sell that don't cost a lot that will give you a great improvement in audio. Rode Video Mic is a good place to start.

Thank u so much for your honest feedback :). I think I will invest in a mic because the sound quality on my camcorder is rubbish