Feed back?

I would like a review on my channel and video's if not possible both then just channel, I'm a normal 12 year old boy finding a good way of getting know. I tried out YouTube to see if any people out their joey or like my singing so I found out after a day of posting one video I already had 200 views, so I tried on putting up another and that was yesterday night and i have 50 views so people are watching i would like you to just tell me if my channel is welcoming, swagerish, if you like it if you don't like it or if its just plain boring and stupid what do you think?

-thanks :)

The channel is set up well you have your video on autoplay which will be helping with your views which is a good start. You have a background and icon which are both custom but I think they could be better by involving music with them, a few music notes could be good. You're off to a good start with people commenting your videos and the amount of views on them, you could try converting a few more of those by introducing your videos even if you were back at home letting them know what you're singing and at the end you could ask for them to subscribe.

Your videos:

Whilst they're not the poorest of quality I would still try and invest in some recording equipment to allow you to do this at home, something like a decent microphone and amplifier and an external microphone for the camera, that way you would be able to release many more videos without having to sing in public in one of them booths. I think the audio could be improved on both of them with a little investment, if you are serious about continuing with this well into the future then this is what I would do myself.

Good luck with your channel/videos :)
Sorry for taking so long on this! Busy week last week! Anyway...

Your channel is fine. I see nothing wrong with it. If anything, if you want more views...whatever song you cover next, instead of putting your name first, put your name last in the title. The title should be the full name of the song and the artist. After that, place in the description the title and the name of the artist 3 times again. That'll bring you up in the seo search. That's how most musicians end up getting noticed. You have a great voice. I would try to invest in a mic so you could do videos and covers at home, that way you can do a lot more videos. Also, remember when you use strong notes to move away from the mic a little bit so the sound doesn't get distorted...but you'll get the hang of that the more you practice.

Just keep doing videos, you'll gain a fanbase in time. People love hearing a great voice. I subscribed!

But that's just my two cents, take with it what you will.