Beauty/Makeup Fashion Lookbook Collab

Hey guys and girls,

I am really interested in growing my channel by meeting new people and working together. If you like the content from my channel, send me a message on what you think we should do. I am a lifestyle and fashion kind of channel ( if you want to put it in a box) and I am looking for some new people to cross promote. Let me know what you think.
The key points is not caring what nobody think but knowing how to love ones self because that's what generates self esteem and confidence
The key points is not caring what nobody think but knowing how to love ones self because that's what generates self esteem and confidence
So here is the lineup of whats to speak on:

* What confidence means to you?
* How does confidence play into comparison of self to others
*What are some things that put you in a better mood ( can be outfit, song.. whatever you chose)
* What are some things that you would suggest for someone else to feel confident

How does this sound?
I was thinking sometime next week. We can do it as a tag video, and just tag people that we know who make videos in the video. The tag can be called the Be Confident Tag or whatever comes up lol. But I think that would be most effective. especially with our platforms.
Hi Vince, I'd be interested in doing a collab with you. I have just recently started making videos on YT. My channel is a mixture of fashion/talking/life/makeup. Check out my content and let me know if you would be interested.