Fake a broken arm


I've Got It
Hello guys,

How would you guys fake someone that broke his arm? Using a sheet around the neck and arm for example? Or plaster ? Even though that would be more difficult to do it.

Thank you.
in which way are you faking this? For example just putting medical gear around the warm to ensure it looks like they are recovering or creating a model to make the arm look broken?
Just something that looks like the arm was recently broken. Something that wouldn't take much time to do, as long as it looks like it.
Creating a fake plaster isn't actually that expensive, it takes only some patience. Or at least, so Art Attack taught me (oh, the memories!)
If you want like... bones comin' out and stuff, then just get some cheap latex and some chalk and glue them near your elbow and then twist your arm alittle.

You could just wrap your arm in like bandages like a cast :V
I would just get a white bandage and a sling. Just wrap something white around your arm then wrap the white bandage around it so it makes that area look thicker like it has plaster underneath, then put it in a sling :) even get some people to write on your bandage! lol
yoy shoulf never fake a brokren arm especiakly for thr views
sorry for spwellinbg mistakes, broken both arms, typing with tongue, tastwes of salt, hell and sepsis