EXAM Q and A


I've Got It
Hey peeps I think this is the right place to post this... I THINK!

Aaanyways I was wondering if you could send me some exam-related questions for my next Q and A video - I'll give you a shout out if yours gets picked! :)

Thanks in advance - I frickin love this community!
I don't do exams anymore muahaha! :p
How about
What's the best way to cheat?
What would you do if you got caught cheating?
What's the highest you have ever gotten on a test?
And what's the lowest?

:) good luck
Let me know when the video comes out sounds like a good one
Exams... It's been awhile ;) also I'm not sure how exams work where you're from, but as I remember a lot of people would probably like to know things like:
  • What's the best way to calm the nerves
  • What to do with your body language
  • How to stall for time if you don't know the answer to a question
  • What techniques do you use that are worth sharing?
I hope that it's these kinds of questions you're after :)
The only one I can think of that hasn't been mentioned yet is

What's the weirdest thing you've answered when you don't know the actual answer?