But what if channel owner video is 1 hour (lets say some kind of TV show) and credit is based on minimum % percentage (lets say its 20%) - it would be insanely unfair with channel owner that only when his fans watch at least 12 minutes of a video he get credit, while another channel owner with 1 minute length video gets the credit when his video watched for 12 seconds.
It must me some kind of a mix from minimum duration or % fro short videos like
GKart64 just mentioned.
p.s. regarding video which is 10 seconds long i think its not qualify for the ads at all (?)
Some time ago i read somewhere (if im not mixing something i read maybe on Youtube forums or on Youtube rules, not sure) that video must be at least 30 seconds long to be able to show ads but not sure if its true because i think lately i have seen even shorter videos with ads