Error: "An error occurred while attempting to create a YouTube account. Please try again later."

Tiger Mask

New Member
Hi, I was trying to create a brand account to associate it with my Google account, but it gave me this error. Whenever I log in this screen appears to me "An error occurred while attempting to create a YouTube account. Please try again later.". Clearing cookies/cache or rebooting or trying to sign in from another device and another browser don't work. Can someone help me? YouTube support doesn't respond

hmmmm, when I am on youtube, I click on my icon in top right, then go to "switch account", there is an option there to "add account",,,is that what you did?
no, I deleted an old channel of mine that I was not using to create a brand to associate with my google account, only now I click "log in" and it gives me this error for 5 days