Earnings Very Low!

Thank you BTW, probably the first ever nice comment I have received about my voice.
haha, and Maybe it's cause you are using your own as comparison ;)

First compliment?! And from me?! AWW YISS. I'm sure if you'd read more bedtime stories you'd get a lot of compliments. AJBBBedtimeStories. New channel, I think yes.
First compliment?! And from me?! AWW YISS. I'm sure if you'd read more bedtime stories you'd get a lot of compliments. AJBBBedtimeStories. New channel, I think yes.

What a brilliant idea, capture the single parents market, they will start putting iphones in their childrens beds JUST FOR MY VOICE. OMG THIS IS AMAZING.
Remember that the beginning of the year is always slow, as advertisers really don't start shelling out money again untill March - April, right around when college basketball gets into march madness.
ahhh thank you lol i did not know that because i sm a some sort of a noob at this lol. My first year as a partner :-D
What a brilliant idea, capture the single parents market, they will start putting iphones in their childrens beds JUST FOR MY VOICE. OMG THIS IS AMAZING.

You could mix in some of your binaural beats with it too but I expect 15% of the profit because I am the king.
Lol i can tell because i lost 3 bucks in a span of 24 hours . but no biggie i dont do it because of the cash Lol
yup, January-Marchish are the worst times of the year. October-Christmas Eve is absolutely amazing though. This is why some people prefer fixed CPMs though. They always know what they will earn, and it does not change based on time of year.
yup, January-Marchish are the worst times of the year. October-Christmas Eve is absolutely amazing though. This is why some people prefer fixed CPMs though. They always know what they will earn, and it does not change based on time of year.
dang lol so i came mosrly on the chopping block lol so i have time im order to just have fun :-D