Don't spam Bob.


You may have seen this in the comment section of some videos. It seems to be the latest craze. I'm making this thread to tell you not to spam this around, and here's why.
  • No matter if everyone started commenting this, it will not take down Google +
  • This is only wasting your time, as Google won't even notice this.
  • Spamming is against ToS, and can get your channel into trouble. There are people, myself included, that will mark each one of these as spam.
  • You will just be contributing to the spam, which is not going to help solve anything.
  • It makes you look like an idiot. #SorryNotSorry

I'm sure there will be a lot of people marking these as spam. You don't want strikes on your account.
Aw... I like Bob. He's a real G. Not like all the other fakes I've seen before. But... I guess all good things must come to an end.
Seems not the way to go regardless. Sounds childish to me..having open dialogue and working WITH Goggle seems the better way to go. My two cents.:unsure2:
Bob's come and go in the past. It's funny to see people trying to change a feature by using said feature as a means to express their distaste.
Bob's come and go in the past. It's funny to see people trying to change a feature by using said feature as a means to express their distaste.
I know right lol. I've seen people who have done nothing but complain about the whole G+ thing, saying how much they hate it and how it's going to kill Youtube, but then they are promoting their G+ page trying to get followers. -.-
My channel is too small the be affected by this, but it really annoys me to see it in other videos.