Don't partner with OfficialStriveTv - Advice from a friend

Thank you for sharing this. Still, sometime is hard to believe what people are doing... But, that's sees to be the other side of the world.
Thanx again, perhaps this could open our eyes for future opportunities.
Thank you for sharing this. Still, sometime is hard to believe what people are doing... But, that's sees to be the other side of the world.
Thanx again, perhaps this could open our eyes for future opportunities.

No problem. Glad I made you aware of stuff like this happening. :)
This simply gets worse and worse. I know these networks can never be technically "shutdown" but I find this utterly disgusting. You can't do that to people who produce good daily content on a daily basis and expect them to go with it.
Wow, sounds like a great partnership opportunity! NOT! Thanks for all of the information, this will definitely come in handy when I am picking out a network. THANKS!